
Inaugural Advances in Science & Engineering Technology (ASET) multi-conferences

 In Student Blog

On 6th February 2020, at @hct_uae inaugural Advances in Science & Engineering Technology (ASET) multi-conferences, colleagues from our University presented their research papers.

These conferences are a unique and innovative mix of eight Engineering disciplines covering topics such as, Sustainable Environments, Renewable Energies, Aviation & Space and Healthcare & Educational Innovations.

Ms Lekhsmi Rajesh – Course manager for Civil Engineering department presented research paper based on dissertation work of Ms Farwah Ashraf (Undergraduate student)
Theme: Sustainable Environment and Urban Infrastructure
Topic: Bridging the Gap for Future Sustainable Development: Research, Policies, Practice and Education

Ms Fathima Shemim – Course manager for Computing presented her own research paper
Theme: Internet of Things, Mechatronics and their Application (IoTMA)
Topic: Enhanced Energy Aware Multi-hop Multi-path hierarchical Clustering Protocols for WSNs

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