3rd PhD Conference
University of Bolton, Academic Centre RAK successfully concluded The 3rd PhD Conference on 12th January 2020. In attendance from parent campus were
Professor Danny Morton
Professor, University of Bolton; QAA auditor and reviewer; Reviewer, National Council for
Academic Accreditation (NCAAA), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Zahra Salimi
Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Bolton, UK
Professor Jerome Carson
Chair of Psychology, University of Bolton, UK
Professor Satya Shah
Professor of Supply Chain and Engineering Management, Head of Global Logistics and Supply Chain, University of Bolton, UK
In the latter part of the day, Prof. Jerome Carson led an intriguing workshop on ‘PhD Publications’ which helped all attendees to understand the importance of publishing. It could be in any format; academic papers, journal articles, book chapters, creative work in relevant field etc. All publications help a PhD aspirant get a step closer to their goal.
Our best wishes to the candidates and a noteworthy mention to Ms Najna Nizam for steering the event.